$57.00 USD

Add Run Your Business Instead of Letting it Run You

$497 $77 one-time price you will only see here. 

The course that gives you a replicable process to engage with your clients from beginning to end, allows you to do your best work in less time, and over-deliver every time.

Course outline 

  1. Be the Boss of Your Time: sets you up for success by helping you organize your time intentionally around the things that make you money and bring you joy.
  2. Start with the End in Mind: gives you a structure for presenting your services to clients, getting the information you need to make sure the project is a good fit, and writing a proposal that leads to success.
  3. Plan Like a Pro: gives you tools and techniques for planning out your work so that your clients understand the process and you can execute seamlessly.
  4. Execute with Finesse: shows you how to keep everything on track with your clients, other contractors, and your own time. You’ll learn a flexible process to adjust as things change, because they will.
  5. Seal the Deal: outlines simple ways to close out each project so that you and your clients are satisfied, you’ve gathered feedback on your work, and you’ve primed your client for repeat work.

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Run Your Business Template Kit

Want to have professional tools, systems, and processes to run your business so you can focus on your unique skill set instead of all of the logistical stuff?

These templates give you everything you need to set-up your business, manage your time, and manage your clients' journey from start to finish like a true pro:

🏗 Set up the foundational pieces of your business with a step-by-step process

🧡 Leverage the formula for building your business around what you love and what you're good at

💸 Win the clients and projects you really want with a seamless process for going from conversation to contract

🤝 Manage each project from start to finish like a true professional to keep clients coming back and referring you to everyone they know 

Download the templates, use them for your business, and start focusing on what you're good at instead of letting the logistical aspects of your work get in the way. 

You’ll get a full package of fully editable templates that you can use in Word/Xcel/PPT or upload as Google docs/sheets/slides - no static PDFs here - these are tools you can actually use. 

Business plan template: 

  • Elevator pitch: Create a concise statement about what you do and why clients should hire you. 
  • Your target market: Narrow down who your best audience is for your services. 
  • Competitor analysis: Analyze your competition so you can position yourself in the market. 
  • Services and pricing: A step-by-step process for defining and organizing your services, and pricing them so you get paid what you deserve. 
  • Branding and presence: The must-haves and option items for setting up your external presence. 
  • Marketing and finding work: Strategies for finding work right away. 
  • Structure and set-up: The steps you need to take to set up the legal and financial structure of your business. 

BONUS time planning tools:

  • Reflection questions for understanding how you're currently using your time
  • Analysis tools for uncovering how to use your time
  • Planning templates for planning out your ideal day, week, and month 

Conversation to contract templates: 

  • Services one-pager template:  This is a step-by-step template to help you define what you do and how you do it, and then organize your services in a professional format for your clients. 
  • Pre-contract conversation script: A proven script for interviewing clients so that you understand what they actually want, uncover red flags, and get the information you need to write a winning proposal. 
  • Proposal template: A step-by-step template that utilizes information from your services one-pager and your client interview questions to write a seamless proposal in no time flat. This includes fill-in-the-blank sections for the project overview, scope & deliverables (including a timeline), and budget & billing. 

Project management templates: 

  • Kick-off meeting slides: Wow your client right from the beginning. This deck gives you a fill-in-the-blank model for ensuring everyone is 100% clear on the scope, reviewing timelines and deliverables, getting clear on roles, and taking action on next steps.  
  • Project plan & dashboard: Keep everything on track with a clear plan that gives everyone a comprehensive picture of the whole project. This template also includes an automated status dashboard and a backlog to keep track of all of the ideas that aren’t within your scope. 
  • Project budget tracker: Use this budget to keep you and the client on track from contract through completion. 
  • Check-in meeting agenda: Get and give the info you need easily and organize your meetings with clients so you’re positioned as the expert driving the work forward.
  • Project update template: Send your clients regular, standardized updates with the key info they need so you’re not answering endless questions about “where things are at.”
  • Debrief meeting slides: Close out your projects like a pro with a deck that gives you a professional structure for reviewing results and understanding what worked/what can be better next time.

All freelancers have to have project management systems in order to do their best work and deliver quality work for their clients. I’ll give you tried and true systems that I’ve used over and over to organize my client work effortlessly.