Diagnostic Call


Built to Scale

Turn Your Freelance Hustle Into a Sustainable Business
by Leveraging Your Most Impactful Work



July 29, 2024 10am MST/5pm GMT/6pm CET or
October 1, 2024 12pm MST/7pm GMT/8pm CET


Register Now for Free

You’ve done the hard work of building a freelance business. 

But it's starting to feel like Frankenstein’s monster because you’ve cobbled it together project-by-project.

Now, you’re hitting the glass ceiling where the money earned and time spent no longer make sense. 

Here’s the secret:
we all go through the Frankenstein stage, where our business is a collection of parts borrowed from each client and project along the way. 

But it inevitably brings you to a crossroads. 

The freelancers who keep doing what they’ve always done end up being employees in their businesses, trapped in the same cycle of overwork and underpay they had when they worked for the man. 

The freelancers who think like a boss and pivot to a sustainable scaling strategy reap the long-term rewards of more time, money, and freedom. 

You’re ready for a sustainable, scalable business without starting over, hiring a huge team, or outsourcing the things you love. 

The answer is simpler than you think. 

You have to get super focused on your highest-impact work.

Register now for Built to Scale, and you’ll walk away with instant clarity on what to scale, sustain, and scrap in your freelance business so that you can take back your time, money, and freedom.

July 29, 2024 10am MST/5pm GMT/6pm CET or
October 1, 2024 12pm MST/7pm GMT/8pm CET

Register Now for Free

“Sarah is one of the brightest voices in the business of freelancing.”

Robert Vlach
Best-Selling Author of The Freelance Way

The internet is full of “experts” offering silver-bullet fixes for your business. 

I won’t tell you that pivoting to a sustainable business is easy, but it isn’t complicated. 
(And let's be honest, it's WAY easier than what you're doing now.)

There’s one thing you have to do to unlock it:
identify and then double down on your most impactful work. 

From there, the path becomes incredibly clear. 

What if you…
…only did the work you love the most? 
…approached your ideal clients with authority instead of taking whatever came your way? 
…ended the day and felt “done?” 
…knew your worth and priced yourself accordingly? All. The. Time.

When you walk away from Built to Scale, you’ll know exactly what to scale, sustain, and scrap so that you can be the boss of your business instead of an employee in it.
Register Now for Free

Here’s exactly what we’ll cover during this 90-minute virtual workshop.

Boss Mindset 101
Why even the most successful freelancers still feel trapped as employees in their businesses and how to transition to thinking like a boss. 


The Freelance Business Lifecycle
Yes, there are phases we all go through. Find out where you’re at and how to get to the next step in your journey. 


The Sustainable Scale Framework
How to build a strong foundation from what you already have by owning your work, worth, and wisdom.


The High-Impact Audit
Examine your work to uncover what you should scale, sustain, or scrap.  


PLUS, as a special bonus, all attendees get my Profit Margin Planner, a budget projection template created specifically for scaling freelancers, consultants, and solopreneurs. This comprehensive tool helps you calculate your projected income, subcontractor expenses, and profit margins, and even breaks down what you’re making hourly so you know for sure that you're not giving away the farm. 

We'll cover this and more in just 90-minutes, over Zoom, with cameras on and worksheets ready. 

PS: Did I mention there are unicorns involved?  🦄 You don’t want to miss this.

Start running your business instead of letting it run you.

Register now for Built to Scale, an interactive 90-Minute Virtual Workshop for freelancers, consultants, and solopreneurs.

July 29, 2024 10am MST/5pm GMT/6pm CET or
October 1, 2024 12pm MST/7pm GMT/8pm CET

Register Now for Free

What people say about my workshops

“This was incredibly insightful and helpful. It has shifted the way I will see myself going forward. Also, many thanks to the community!”

~ Lisa, workshop participant  

“This session was a great lift! Perfect messaging to remind us about the ongoing struggle of keeping the boss mindset- the struggle is so real... Thank you for being so generous and supportive.”

~ Sam, workshop participant  

"Incredible session."

~ Helen, workshop participant

“Really enlightening and definitely showcases your first-hand experience with living the life that you’re talking about." 

~ Jennifer, workshop participant  

"Wonderful session.  Very real and honest. ‘Intentionality’ is harder than you think."

~ Bridgett, workshop participant

"Sarah was a fantastic instructor. The entire workshop was engaging, fun, interactive, and educational. Highly recommended."

~ John, workshop participant

"I will definitely be more aware of 'becoming an employee' in my own business. Having that language is helpful. I've felt that happening, but I wasn't really sure what to call it."

~ Tina, workshop participant

"I appreciated how focused this is. It's really nice to get a snapshot, and I appreciate being "forced" to do in a workshop aka hard to find the time on my own."

~ Carrie, workshop participant


"This helped me early on to hone in on the types of services/offerings and how I classify them based on my skill and preference."

~ Autumn, workshop participant

I’m Sarah Duran,

a solopreneur coach who has helped freelancers from all over the world build better businesses. 

I’ve been there... figuring everything out alone, learning what works and doesn’t work for my clients, and constantly refining my business model to give me what I need in life. 

I built a multiple six-figure business from scratch. 

I've spent over a decade helping people and organizations turn their ideas into action.

I combine my expertise in operations, organization, strategy, and planning with best practices in facilitation and coaching to help freelancers, consultants, and solopreneurs design better businesses.

I have a passion for helping freelancers, consultants, and entrepreneurs thrive. 

I'm not the kind of coach who tells you what to do in theory, and I'm not an expert in everything… I'm a real-life solopreneur who knows firsthand the blood, sweat, and tears it takes to make a business work and the single-minded focus it takes not to give up. 

I'm not here to give you all the answers; I'm here to provide you with a framework so you can connect the dots yourself.

"Sarah has been a huge support and fantastic coach for me as I've grown my business - helping me think through what kind of business I want to run and how I want my business to support the life I want to live."

Macy Robinson
Founder and CEO
Uplight Creative + Strategy


Wanna see more stories of business transformation? Click here for video testimonials from people who've worked with me.

You've built the business, but now you're drowning instead of sailing off into the sunset. 

You sell bits of your time for pennies on the dollar.
Your clients dictate the terms of engagement. 
You work all the time without getting ahead. 
You’ve “delegated” so much that your profit margins are nonexistent. 
You’re in a constant state of feast or famine. 

You live in fear of balls being dropped,
having to say no to the right clients,
or quitting altogether…

…or the greatest fear of all, doing nothing and continuing to struggle forever. 

You’ve implemented the solutions every business guru says will help you “scale,” like productivity platforms, delegation, or automation.

While all of those are solid tactics, without a coherent strategy, you’re just plugging the holes of a sinking ship.

Register now for Built to Scale, and you’ll walk away with instant clarity on what to scale, sustain, and scrap in your freelance business so that you can
 take back your time, money, and freedom.
Register Now for Free

Got questions? I've got answers.

You’re no amateur. You’ve built a business; now it’s time to run it like a boss. 

With Built to Scale, you’re just 90 minutes away from leveraging your most impactful work for more time, money, and freedom.   

You can wake up tomorrow and continue working
in your business, 
or you can register now for Built to Scale and build work that gives you the life you want.

Register Now for Free
Let's be honest with each other. If you've gotten to the end of this CRAZY-long landing page, you're interested. 

Go ahead... just register. 

This will change everything for you.