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Episode 4: Working Better with Anna Burgess Yang

My good friend Anna always makes me think differently about work, productivity, and efficiency.

Anna is a former product manager who left an executive role in 2021 to pursue an entirely different life. After bouncing around a few different jobs for two years, Anna is now a freelance technology writer and journalist. She is also obsessed with workflow automation and removing boring/tedious work from life. She helps freelancers and other solopreneurs do the same through written how-to guides and 1:1 workflow consulting. Anna lives in a suburb of Chicago with her husband, three kids, and three cats. In addition to client work, she writes on Medium, Substack, and has a newsletter.

Learn more about Anna at https://annabyang.com/ and check out her writing at https://annabyang.medium.com/ and https://annabyang.substack.com/ 

To learn more about Sarah go to www.fruitioninitiatives.com 


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