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Business Coaching + Strategy for Freelancers and Consultants 

 Solopreneurs are small but mighty;
within each of us rests a sleeping empire. 
Get the support you need to scale yours.


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All solopreneurs come to crossroads in their businesses.


You know things need to change but don't know where to start OR you've tried everything and are still stuck with work that isn't giving you what you need.  

You don't need another course, tool, or tactic—you need a strategic partner + a community of support to help you manifest your highest potential.

Solopreneurship is a journey;
in order to navigate it successfully, 
you need a map.

Sarah Duran, online business coach

Hi, I'm Sarah. I make maps. 


I'm a real-life multiple six-figure solopreneur who knows firsthand the blood, sweat, and tears it takes to make a business work, and the single-minded focus required not to give up.


I’ve been there... figuring everything out alone, learning what works and doesn’t work for my clients, and constantly refining my business model to give me what I need.


I developed structures and frameworks that helped me take control of my work, worth, and wisdom and then perfected them by working with freelancers, consultants, and solopreneurs from all over the world to reinvent and redefine work on their terms.

Together, we can jailbreak from toxic hustle culture.

We reclaim our free agency because we know that freedom is the true currency, the thing we cannot live without.

Read the Full Manifesto

Why online business coaching?

Scale on Your

You want meaning and fulfillment…

You also need to eat, put your kids through college, and retire someday (not to mention buy that timeshare in Cabo).

I got you.

I guide solopreneurs through a process of designing a business that checks all the boxes - you don't have to sacrifice meaning for money or vice versa.

You can have it all, whatever "all" means for you.

Design the Path Forward

Solopreneurs bear all the responsibility for their business, which means when things aren’t working, you must intentionally create space to see what’s possible.

We’ll use a framework for setting and achieving short-cycle goals. These are not BS goal-setting strategies from the corporate world, where you set meaningless targets that sit on a shelf.

This is goal-achieving for people who hustle and have no time for big dreams the never come to fruition.

Get Back to Work That Matters

What if you stopped putting out fires and started focusing on the actions that will take your business to the next level?

Up until now, you’ve been using band-aides to fix one-off problems instead of planning purposefully for the future.

A unique combination of customized content, community coaching, and individual support allows you to implement intentionally because you have the strategic partnership needed to manifest your ideal business.

Learn More

“Sarah is one of the brightest voices in the business of freelancing.”

Robert Vlach
Best-Selling Author of The Freelance Way

Two Stories of Solopreneur Transformation 

Learn More About Coaching

Need inspiration for the journey?

6 Ways To Start Thinking Like a Boss

Jul 24, 2024

How to Praise Idleness

Jun 24, 2024

If You’ve Quiet Quit, You Should Just Quit

Jun 07, 2024

Who Owns Your Skills?

May 24, 2024

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Get instant clarity on what you need to do next in your business.

Build work that lifts you up instead of holding you back.

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