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Freelancing is the Future…Join Us

Our economy has been moving toward more independent forms of work for a while now. As traditional employment scenarios have come up short in terms of pay, benefits, flexibility, autonomy, and fulfillment the freelance economy becomes more and more attractive to young people entering the workforce for the first time and experienced professionals who are no longer getting what they needed from their 9-5. Freelancing, contract work, gig work, consulting - whatever category you belong to or label you want to use - has filled this gap.

For me, it was about control and being stuck in a system that wasn’t giving me what I needed financially, personally, or professionally.

I was sick of struggling…so I stepped outside of the system and created my own.

All of the ways that work has shifted over the last few years have made me feel incredibly grateful that I already work for myself as I watch so many people lose what they thought were forever jobs or realize that their job wasn’t really giving them what they needed in the face of a global crisis.

Crises have a weird way of making you rethink your priorities.  

The last two years have made many turn to independent work, whether they made the decision on their own or were forced to by necessity.

36% of the US workforce freelanced in 2021 and the number of freelancers who do it full time went up 8% from 2019.

Unprecedented numbers of people are also quitting their jobs to find more money, flexibility, and meaning. Many of those people are considering freelancing, and the market is ripe for finding work as a freelancer. 

I say – join us. 

There’s plenty of work to go around.

As the traditional workforce becomes more remote, employers are more likely to hire independent workers. With the world economy moving toward a more blended workforce, freelancers, especially full-time freelancers, are more in-demand than ever before.

Freelancing is the future…and we’re more powerful together.

Just because you’re a solopreneur doesn’t mean you’re alone. Whether it is someone you know who freelances, a killer freelance blog, or an organization like Freelancers Union - there are plenty of places to go for support, help, and advice. All you need to do is ask.

Working for myself has given me a degree of freedom, satisfaction, and wealth that I never had when I was working for someone else…and I’m not alone. 62% of freelancers make the same or more than they would working for a traditional employer. 

Is it always easy? No.

Working for yourself, no matter the format, comes with its own set of risks and rewards.

For me, the risks have outweighed the rewards and I have also hustled hard to make it work. But even in those moments when things are uncertain, I still know that I made the right decision because I can’t imagine ever going back to a “regular” job.



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