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It’s time to jailbreak from toxic hustle culture.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, solopreneur, side hustler, or 9-5er looking for a better life, The Hustler’s Manifesto will show you how to own your work, worth, and wisdom.


3 Reasons Freelancing Makes Me a Better Parent

Apr 04, 2022

Being a working parent has never been easy. Traditional work scenarios are designed for people without boundaries and constraints with performance (explicitly or implicitly) tied to long workdays...

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Freelancing Is More Secure Than Your Day Job

Jan 31, 2022

Most people believe that being employed by someone else is the most stable and consistent way to provide for themselves and their families. That’s one of the main reasons that the vast...

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How to Create the Conditions for Your Best Work

Jan 18, 2021

I’m a morning person.

The best time of the day for me is from about 3 am until noon. That’s when my brain is humming... and I get most of my work done.

At first, I fought the urge to...

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Procrastinate Much?

Feb 01, 2019

February is always a month where I generally feel stagnant, which often leads me to procrastinate in work and life in general. Here are some tips for battling procrastination.

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Multi-task like a pro

Sep 01, 2018
Working from phone

I do at least a couple hours of work from my phone each day. While it has been easy to use your phone for email for a while now, new apps now allow you to do everything...

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The Paradox of Working from Home

Feb 01, 2017

I love working from home, but it isn’t the best fit for everyone. Many people are either working completely from home or working from home a few days a week. There are two main...

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