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The Hustler's Manifesto

It's time to take back control of our work, worth, and wisdom.

The blog + newsletter where we jailbreak from toxic hustle culture by building better, more resilient businesses.

Freelancing is the Future…Join Us

Dec 20, 2020

Our economy has been moving toward more independent forms of work for a while now. As traditional employment scenarios have come up short in terms of pay, benefits, flexibility, autonomy, and...

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How Working for Myself Helped Me Take Control

Oct 23, 2020
Control is a big deal for me. It is one of the key drivers of my life.

Before I worked for myself I felt controlled by circumstances instead of controlling them. Most of my time was controlled...

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When to charge an hourly vs. a flat rate

Oct 08, 2020

Both freelancers and those hiring them think about work in terms of hourly rate even when a flat rate has been negotiated. In some instances thinking only about money per hour negates the...

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Build your business around what you love

Sep 15, 2020

Flexibility and control over your work and life are some of the greatest gifts of entrepreneurship. The problem is that many freelancers, consultants, and small business owners have a hard time...

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Calling All Hustlers

Aug 09, 2020

Sometimes it is only the extreme pressure of circumstances outside of our control that finally give us permission to rethink the direction of our lives, our world.

Things work until they...

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Get Paid What You Deserve

Aug 02, 2020
 Whether you work for yourself or someone else, knowing what to ask for when it comes to compensation is tricky. You don’t want to seem entitled, you don’t want to lose out to...
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Should You Be Your Own Boss?

Jul 01, 2019

I love being my own boss, but I never thought this was my life's path. My parents own their own business, and I told myself growing up that I never wanted that. They have been...

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Making the Most of Parental Leave

Apr 02, 2018

This is a big month for me. For those of you who don’t know, I am pregnant and am getting induced next week! So I have selfishly ask a great friend, colleague, and new mom to help me...

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Spread the word

Feb 01, 2018

Over the past month I have been working on some marketing stuff for my business. I am no marketing expert, but I thought it could be helpful to share some of the lessons I have learned throughout...

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What I Learned in 2017

Jan 01, 2018
Never burn a bridge

I have reconnected with so many people over the last year including former colleagues, partners, and friends who I haven’t seen for years. Although it took a...

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