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The Hustler's Manifesto

It's time to take back control of our work, worth, and wisdom.

The blog + newsletter where we jailbreak from toxic hustle culture by building better, more resilient businesses.

Time in Crisis: Scrambling and Standing Still

Sep 03, 2020

The particular crisis that we find ourselves in now has shifted time in a way that makes it feel more amorphous - the decade that was March, the moment of April, the year of May. The future feels...

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How to Set Goals for the Journey, Not the Destination

Aug 23, 2020

SMART goals: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound. Google “Goal Setting” and this is the first thing that comes up. It is the standard for how everyone from your...

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How to Plan for the Unplannable

Aug 17, 2020

We live in an uncertain world right now - no one really knows what will happen tomorrow, next week, next month. But really, hasn’t that always been true? Life is unpredictable. A year ago,...

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Calling All Hustlers

Aug 09, 2020

Sometimes it is only the extreme pressure of circumstances outside of our control that finally give us permission to rethink the direction of our lives, our world.

Things work until they...

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Get Paid What You Deserve

Aug 02, 2020
 Whether you work for yourself or someone else, knowing what to ask for when it comes to compensation is tricky. You don’t want to seem entitled, you don’t want to lose out to...
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Should You Be Your Own Boss?

Jul 01, 2019

I love being my own boss, but I never thought this was my life's path. My parents own their own business, and I told myself growing up that I never wanted that. They have been...

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Procrastinate Much?

Feb 01, 2019

February is always a month where I generally feel stagnant, which often leads me to procrastinate in work and life in general. Here are some tips for battling procrastination.

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Let Go

Jan 01, 2019

I like to start the new year by getting rid of things that no longer serve me. Nothing like a fresh clean slate to start off the year. Here are a few ideas for letting go.

1. Clean out your...
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Delegate effectively

Nov 01, 2018

Nothing will help you get more done in less time than delegating…effectively. Letting go of control is hard, especially if you are used to working alone. Here are some tips for handing over...

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Be here now

Oct 01, 2018

I am the type of person that has a hard time sitting still and doing nothing, so I am by no means an expert at mindfulness. In fact, I am pretty bad at it. But for me being bad at something often...

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